May Meetup: 5/10/17 (and select new books)

Our next meetup will be Wednesday, May 10 at 6PM at Gangplank. We will discuss Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life by Neil Strauss. Amazon says:

With the same sharp eye, quick with, and narrative drive that marked his bestsellers The Game, The Dirt, and How to Make Love Like a Porn Star, Neil Strauss takes us on a white-knuckled journey through America’s heart of darkness as he scrambles to escape the system. It’s one man’s story of a dangerous world—and how to stay alive in it.

Also, we will decide on six more books to read over the next six months. At our last meeting, we observed that many of the books we read over the past six months were quite similar. So, we came up with a list of genres to keep in mind when suggesting books for the next six months:

  1. Pop Science
  2. Pop Culture
  3. Nonfiction
  5. Business/Marketing
  6. Literary Fiction
  7. Wild Card